Mid-Southerners share excitement for 4th largest Powerball Jackpot drawing

Published: Nov. 2, 2022 at 3:21 PM CDT
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - With just a few hours until Wednesday night’s Powerball drawing, Mid-Southerners shared their excitement over what will be the 4th largest jackpot in United States history.

The Powerball Jackpot sits at $1.2 billion, with nearly $600 million up for grabs Wednesday night.

With tickets in hand, many potential millionaires already have their plans mapped out.

“I would give it all to my family and put them all through college,” said Memphian Julie Thrasher.

Amid inflation, some people have other plans, like cashing in on expensive commodities.

“Buy a full tank of gas and possibly move out of Tennessee,” said Munford resident Joseph Hollowell. “Just live my life.”

According to lottery officials, the pandemic, inflation, and higher jackpot prizes have more people playing in recent years.

The Tennessee Lottery contributed nearly $500 million to education last year compared to $447 million in 2019.

The chances of winning Wednesday night’s jackpot are 1 in 292 million. The chances of winning smaller prizes come at better odds than winning the total prize.

Lottery officials say in Monday night’s drawing, nearly $60 million was awarded to the big winners residing in states like California, Florida, Indiana, and more.

Players say there’s only one thing they want to hear ahead of Wednesday night’s drawing...

“Good luck! May the best man or woman win!” Hollowell said.

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