Why warm days in winter can be harmful

Published: Mar. 1, 2022 at 4:44 PM CST
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Winters keep getting warmer and devastating crops and plants. According to research the results of global warming the most during winter, as it is the fastest-warming season. In the northeast, winter has warmed three times faster than summer in recent decades. Places like Alaska, Minnesota, Vermont and Wisconsin since 1970.

Warming rates are often greater at higher latitudes partly because of a decrease in snow cover, which exposes darker land surfaces that absorb more sunlight.

Warmer winter weather can be devastating to crops and plants because an important part of the their life cycle is the cooler temperatures. If there isn’t enough chill, that can lead to less fruit production and weakened plants that are more vulnerable to pests. Also the lack of cold temperatures can cause plants to bloom too early.

Research has also found that since the 1970s, consecutive colder than average days have gotten shorter. Many major cities have seen this shorten by a week or more.

Studies found evidence that strong warming in the Arctic , which has warmed two times than the rest of the world can weaken the jet stream, allowing for frigid polar air to sink more south than normal on occasion.

Research also found that there are more rain and less snow. Winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling have been impacted by low snow years, with an average loss of 17,400 jobs and more than $1 billion.

Due to warmer temperatures, just about every region in the US has had a decrease in the amount of precipitation falling as snow over the past 65 years.

One study found that over the past 80 years, there has been big decline in years with a large number of snowfall days in the southern United States and the Pacific Northwest.

The average amount of snow is declining in many areas in the U.S., the amount of snow that falls during a snowstorm is increasing. More than 40% of counties in the country have had their biggest two-day snow totals since 1980.

Snowpack is shrinking, hurting water supply. The declining snowpack reduces the streamflow, which impacts crucial freshwater supply for agricultural, residential and commercial purposes. This can also increase wildfires due to decreases in moisture.

Many scientist believe that we still have time to act. Things likes decreasing pollution and working together to make changes.

Unless we take immediate action to curb climate pollution, we will experience further warming and worsening impacts.

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