Bottom Line: Testing safety of led face masks

Published: Nov. 2, 2023 at 6:45 AM CDT
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC/CONSUMER REPORTS) - Some of Hollywood’s glowiest faces seem to be treating their skin with LED face masks, and from the comfort of their own home.

These at-home light-emitting devices are well on their way to the red carpet by promising Oscar-winning radiance, but do they really work or are they just sci-fi fantasy? And are they safe? Consumer Reports sheds light on everything you need to know.

The Stormtrooper-like masks promise to give your skin a glow that is out of this galaxy, but can these LED face masks be the force behind healthier and more radiant skin?

LED therapy works by interacting with the skin at different levels, stimulating the metabolism, the production of collagen and elastic fibers, and in the case of blue light, as an antibacterial.

You can get these benefits from the comfort of your home, but at-home LED face masks aren’t cheap. They can cost anywhere from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.

So are they worth your money?

At-home masks are typically less effective than in-office visits because they are not as highly powered. But because of their convenience and privacy, they often make a pretty attractive option.

As for the exact benefits, it depends on the type of light. Red light is typically used for antiaging, and blue light is used to treat acne.

While LED light therapy is safe in the short term, there’s less research about its long-term safety. Always take proper precautions, including wearing eye protection and following directions.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the mask only for the recommended time. LED masks are overall pretty safe, and many are cleared by the Food and Drug Administration.

Some people are not good candidates. For example, people who have photosensitivity, have a disease such as lupus or are taking certain medications.

Results might take time and be subtle, so just keep in mind that patience and consistency are key.

CR recommends always use the mask as recommended, and if you have specific skincare concerts, it is always a good idea to talk to your dermatologist.

“Consumer Reports TV News” is published by Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports is a not-for-profit organization that does not accept advertising and does not have any commercial relationship with any advertiser or sponsor on this site.

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